Here's a few samples of past projects, with many more set for the future.
The opportunists
Created in answer to a Warburton Fire Brigade fund raiser. decommissioned fire helmets, fire hoses and extinguishers were given to members of the Yarra valley open studios to use as a basis for creating art.
The Opportunists, is hand dyed and Shiboried Amollie Prefelts, stitched around a wire base.
The birds are wet felted and machine stitched. The male at the top of the tree stump is finished in textile embellishment inks, with the colours befitting the gaudy male.
the beauty of rust
One of my philosophies is to reuse and recycle materials where ever practical . Rusty metals provide a wealth of opportunity to create one of a kind images. As the oxidisation process constantly changes the dimensions of the pieces the metal degrades, the outlines diminish and whole new shapes are created. In this pieces I have embellished the beautiful rust print with hand dyed silk ribbons and embroidery floss.
identity - lady beneath the leaves
Identity, was created for my post-graduation exhibition in 2015. the piece is constructed using a variety of woollen fibres and fabrics. Actual leaves from around my garden were used to shape the different elements which cover the painted paper machè face beneath.
The inspiration for this piece came from the ancient pagan concept of "The Green Man".
Mother earth claims her right to portray the multitude of glorious colours seen in Autumn.
I love this process. Ice plus cotton fabric plus Procion dyes combine to create slow motion dyeing.
Beautiful explosions of blended colours, resulting in subtle and incredible textile fireworks.